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When it comes to choosing strong passwords, the advice has always been to adopt lengthy, random passwords and to change them often.
This is definitely good advice, but it’s not realistic to expect someone to remember dozens of sophisticated passwords at once.
This is why at SPYSCAPE we recommend services LastPass, which randomly generates extremely strong passwords and stores them securely on a 'vault' on your computer which can be synced across devices via the cloud. From this vault, you can manage all of your online accounts, and you will only need to remember one master password for the entire collection.

Secure you online life
This is a very clever way of securing your online life, but remember that a strong password - even the strongest - is not all about algorithmic complexity. Some of it overlaps with psychology.
For example, if a database of one million customer records is stolen - yours included - and your password is within, say, the most secure 30% of passwords in that database, many hackers will simply not even bother with you. They’ll think: “Great, we’ve cracked a few hundred thousand passwords, but these others will take weeks, months, even years to crack, so we’ll just sell them on some dark web forum for a cheap price and harvest additional data from the rest.”