minute read
A good spy needs sharp observation skills, the ability to read body language, and the adaptability to don a disguise. But there's only so much that training can prepare you to do. Tradecraft - the nuts and bolts of spying - must be learned on the job. Could you make it in the field? Our clever crossword cruciverbalists have created five spycraft-themed puzzles to test your mettle.

1. Spy Technology Evolution
You might keep this tech in your back pocket.

Spy Technology Evolution - Spy tech includes cyber attacks, drones, and satellites. Although they may have replaced tiny cameras and poisoned umbrella tips, some of the old spying methods still come in handy. SPYSCAPE delves into the tools of the tradecraft, from the quirky old-school skills to the very latest eye-in-the-sky technology in our Spy Tech Evolution article.

2. Exit Strategy
James Bond has just set off explosives inside a SPECTRE stronghold, and he's reached a room with exits leading to four escape hatches. Help him determine which exit to take!

Exit Strategy - 007 isn’t the only spy who needs an exit strategy. CIA analyst Sarah Carlson was dropped into the pressure-cooker of post-revolutionary Libya. In 2011, the Arab Spring swept Colonel Gaddafi from office, leaving a deadly power vacuum in its wake. Three years later, civil war engulfed the nation. Under a hail of rocket fire, Sarah had to figure out a way to extract 150 American personnel from the carnage. Could you get them to safety? Listen to Sarah’s thrilling True Spies podcast: Exit Strategy.

3. In Disguise
There are undercover agents everywhere.

In Disguise - Jonna Mendez’s job as chief of CIA technical operations was as close as it gets to ‘Q’ outside of Hollywood. For 27 years, Mendez worked as a CIA undercover officer creating prosthetic noses, wigs, and masks that could be peeled off like Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) in Mission: Impossible. When it comes to effective espionage weapons, a spy’s face - particularly the ability to become someone else - can mean the difference between life and death. Listen to our SPYSCAPE True Spies podcast with Jonna Mendez to find out more about The Art of Disguise.