minute read
You’re being watched and there is nothing you can do about it. One billion security cameras are believed to be recording right now and they’ve got you tagged. It’s true that half of the world’s CCTV cameras are in China but don’t get too comfortable. Some 180m of those cameras are focused on the US - about one camera for every two Americans - and the numbers grow every year.
That’s one reason SPYSCAPE is on a mission to empower people to find their inner superhero, the type of person who knows that when it comes to privacy and security there’s really only one solution: Question everything.

Question everything
Privacy is the key to protecting your safety, so decide for yourself why, when, and how your data is handled in an increasingly virtual world. Secure your digital communications. Limit private information shared on social media. Browse in incognito mode. Vary your search engines. Use a VPN (virtual private network). Safeguard your cell phone, your tablet, and your laptops with antivirus software. And if you’re still worried about privacy, ask yourself: Why? How can you improve it?

Online security
Security is crucial online and off, so take steps to avoid data theft or sabotage. Are your home and work computers free of spyware? Is your shared data secure? Is your antivirus software up to date? How can you improve your digital hygiene? US data breaches soared to a reported 1,862 data compromises in 2021, the third year in a row numbers rose, and Ransomware threats doubled, so why take a chance? In 2022, more than 422m individuals were affected by data compromises, including data breaches, leakage, and exposure.

Question every app you download
Living in the 21st century means you’re constantly monitored by half a dozen apps every waking hour of the day - and, if you use a sleep tracker app, it doesn’t stop even when you call it a night.
Do you use your phone to access the Internet? Then it’s likely apps are collecting your personal data. In fact, apps are probably spying on you as you read this article so find out how they do it with our SPYSCAPE tips.