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The unexplained UFOs shot down over North America in February 2023 aren't the only flying objects buzzing around.
In 2020, the Pentagon released three grainy videos taken by Navy pilots who witnessed speeding objects mysteriously disappear. After a thorough review, the DoD found the videos did not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and did not ”impinge on any subsequent investigations of military airspace incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena.” The videos show what pilots saw during training flights in 2004 and 2015. They remain unexplained.
Here are 10 other bizarre UFO sightings that still give witnesses the shivers.

1. 'We're not crazy' pilots tell Yellowknife air traffic controllers in 2023
Canadian air traffic controllers and pilots couldn't identify two white lights moving in a circular pattern reported over Canada’s Northwest Territories in 2023.
"Good evening, just wondering, do you got two planes that are just to the east of your field doing circuits or maneuvers?" a crew member aboard a Canadian North flight headed to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, asked air traffic controllers. It was just before midnight on January 29, 2023. "Negative, I have no reported traffic in the area," the Yellowknife air traffic controller replied. "Do you have a visual on something?" The crew of the twin turboprop Canadian North aircraft responded somewhat hesitantly, "Yeah, we're looking at two lights dancing around here, to the east of your field... They're above us, about, I don't know what. We're not seeing them on TCAS (traffic collision avoidance system). But we can see the lights moving around."
There's a pause before the crew member radios back to say, "We're not crazy."
"No, we believe you," the air traffic controller replies. The sighting remains unexplained.
2. The Phoenix Lights Incident - 1997, Arizona, US
In 1997, multiple witnesses reported seeing a large, triangular-shaped object flying over Phoenix, Arizona. The object was described as being massive in size, silent, and emitting a series of lights. Despite the numerous eyewitness accounts and photographic evidence, the Phoenix Lights Incident remains a topic of debate and speculation. Some believe that the object was a secret military aircraft, while others believe that it was an extraterrestrial spacecraft.

3. Rendlesham Forest Incident - 1980, Suffolk, UK
The Rendlesham Forest Incident took place in England in 1980 near the joint US-UK military base of RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge. According to eyewitnesses, military officers encountered an unidentified glowing object in the forest, which they described as being metallic and emitting a bright light. They also reported strange symbols etched on the object's surface, and they claimed that they experienced a range of physical and psychological effects after the encounter. Despite an official investigation by the military, the Rendlesham Forest Incident remains unexplained.

4. The Gulf Breeze Six - 1987-1988, Gulf Breeze, Florida
The Gulf Breeze Six refers to a series of UFO sightings that took place in Gulf Breeze, Florida in the late 1980s. According to accounts, six Florida residents claimed to have encountered a series of strange flying objects, including a large triangular-shaped craft. Some believe that the sightings were genuine encounters with extraterrestrial craft, while others argue that they were hoaxes or misidentifications of other aircraft. Despite official investigations, there are no clear-cut answers.